LCMC Health

LCMC Health

Creating a healthcare experience that delivers “healthcare with heart”

Healthcare with heart

Every so often, a brand’s most powerful expression is right under our noses, nascent within culture, waiting to be found and fostered. Such was the case with LCMC Health, a New Orleans health system in need of a new identity and brand position to unify its family of hospitals and employees. We found an immediate and pervasive truth across our workshops: everything and everyone was extraordinary—extraordinary people, extraordinary experiences. We felt a little more loved, heard louder laughs and had longer hugs. This “extraordinariness” isn’t just true for LCMC Health; it’s part of the DNA of New Orleans. They even have a word for it: lagniappe.

LCMC - Visual identity
LCMC - Computer
LCMC - Collateral 01
LCMC - Collateral 02
LCMC - Board
LCMC - Lanyard
LCMC - Bag
LCMC - Book

Employee Event

LCMC - Train
LCMC - People
LCMC - Smiling heart stickers on wall
LCMC - Writing
LCMC - People poster
LCMC - People posing for picture
LCMC - Girl with smiling heart sign

Infusing Warmth & Personality

LCMC - Office 01
LCMC - Office 02
LCMC - Office 03

Defining memorable gathering spaces

LCMC - Gathering space 01
LCMC - Gathering space 02
LCMC - Gathering space 03
LCMC - Gathering space 04

"More than" concept

LCMC - I'm more than a
LCMC - Magazine ad
LCMC - Mobile phone
LCMC - Half laptop
LCMC - Billboard
LCMC - Teal background graphic with quote