
Distinction – Enterprise rebrand

Harmonizing the future of communications and workplace experiences

Uniting three brands under a singular story, name, and identity, Poppulo is build around the brand idea of harmony. Revolutionizing the future of communications and workplace experiences, the unified brand set stage for a new era.

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Poppulo Poppulo


Achieve more in harmony
Visual identity, Verbal identity
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Distinction – Enterprise rebrand

Humanizing brands, moving people

True to our roots, our refreshed visual expression reflects our brand purpose with humanity at the core. With a refreshed color palette reflecting our human-centered approach and an emphatic visual system with graphic representations of concepts and ideas, each element is rooted in humanity.

About us

Media Image
Media Image
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Merit – Enterprise rebrand

Seizing the moment

Looking to re-establish itself and boldly define its future, Willis Towers Watson shifted to WTW, supported by an identity bringing a unified and bold perspective to life and sending a message that their next era has begun.

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Perspective that moves you
Culture, Management, Visual identity, Verbal identity, Beam, Advertising
WTW - Static graphic motif with person
WTW - Static covers collage

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