At Monigle, we are seeing firsthand how health care systems are changing healthcare for the better. Our research shows that―given a choice―consumers are 69 percent more likely to seek care from a facility, physician, or service that is part of a larger healthcare system. Leveraging their unified approach, systems can offer many expected and unexpected benefits that stand-alone care providers simply cannot match. In this changing landscape, what is driving consumers’ preferences toward system care? After surveying thousands of consumers on the topic, we learned that consumers prioritize the following benefits that health care systems provide: As the healthcare landscape changes, how can health systems ensure that they are delivering on these key benefits? To find out more about our health care branding expertise visit our website.5HCS Benefits

Chris Tonay is Monigle’s Director of Insights + Strategy. As our resident research guru, he is the master of stats, the king of surveys, and the ace of analysis.

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Chris Tonay
April 15, 2014 By Chris Tonay